Thursday, February 28, 2008

Microsoft Surface Computer

Microsoft Surface,is a forthcoming Multi-touch product from Microsoft which is developed as a software and hardware combination technology that allows a user, or multiple users, to manipulate digital content by the use of natural motions, hand gestures,or physical objects. It was announced on May 29,2007 at D5 conference, and is expected to be released by commercial partners in March 2008.

Looks like you might have to check into a swanky hotel or think about switching your wireless service if you want to play with a Microsoft Surface computer…the company apparently considers the consumer market as merely “an option". Initial customers will be in the hospitality businesses, such as restaurants, hotels, retail, public entertainment venues and the military for tactical overviews.

The technology behind Surface is called Multi-touch. It has at least a 25-year history,beginning in 1982, with pioneering work being done at the University of Toronto (multi-touch tablets) and Bell Labs (multi-touch screens). The product idea for Surface was initially conceptualized in 2001 by Steven Bathiche of Microsoft Hardware and Andy Wilson of Microsoft Research. In October 2001, a virtual team was formed with Bathiche and Wilson as key members, to bring the idea to the next stage of development.

Specifications of MS Surface Computer
Surface is a 30-inch (76 cm) display in a table-like form factor, 22 inches (56 cm) high, 21 inches (53 cm) deep, and 42 inches (107 cm) wide. The Surface tabletop is acrylic, and its interior frame is powder-coated steel. The software platform runs on Windows Vista and has wired Ethernet 10/100, wireless 802.11 b/g, and Bluetooth 2.0 connectivity.

You can watch the Surface presentation below

Here is another video for you guys. In this video, Bill Gates is checking the Surface Computer. With Surface Computer you can play with photos, wireless pulling photos off a camera, and ordering and paying for food using credit cards.

"It would be great if Microsoft Surface Computer is available for lessthan $500, but don't cross your fingers."


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